58 Test Bed
Cullum and Rolls-Royce worked in close partnership to build Rolls-Royce’s largest and most advanced Test Bed.
58 Test Bed is located in Derby and used for the developmental testing of large engines such as the Trent series and engines with fan sizes up to 140’’. The facility can carry out ‘fan blade off’ tests, ‘bird ingestion’ tests and ‘cold start’ tests.
Cullum constructed the building and supplied many of the electrical and mechanical systems. Cullum’s experience in providing jet engine test facilities made us the ideal partner for this project.
As one of our most ambitious projects, Cullum are justifiably proud of 58 Test Bed.
Did you know… it took 12,000 yards of concrete, 1,100 tons of reinforcing bar, 279,860 sqft of wall beams and decking, 330 tons of intake silencing elements and 770 tons of exhaust silencing elements to complete 58 Test Bed

Derby, Derbyshire, England
Engine transport system: fully automated overhead system from the adjacent rigging shop to the overhead thrust stand.
Air intake: capable of taking in 528,000 lbs/min of air, with a flow straightener built in to provide even, laminar air flow.
Support systems: All fire protection systems, fuel lines, data acquisition systems and many of the electrical systems.
Cell doors: fully automated and rail mounted, weighing 88 tons each
​Exhaust stack: 99 feet high and with advanced acoustic suppression